When conducting this research I discovered the band OK Go which have created an individual image which makes them stand out from other bands due to the fact that they have created highly original concepts fro music videos which step outside of the normal ideas that artists and bands usually come up with.
In my opinion, this band's music videos have provided them with an incredible unique selling point. The incredible thing about this bands music videos is that all of the things that happen in their music videos are completely real and genuine and nothing is created using CGI and this makes their music videos even more impressive, captivating and intriguing for an audience.
Their ideas have consisted of using the Japanese Olympic team to create an umbrella routine filmed from a birds eye view, the use of a aeroplane at zero gravity making at appear as though the members of the band were floating in the air and also the use of creating sound using everyday life instruments striking the real musical instruments from the sides of a car.
In my opinion, the music videos created by OK Go are some of the best music videos ever made simply because the concepts and ideas used as completely original, unique, authentic and innovative. Below are some of their music videos.