Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Evaluation Task 4- Part 1: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

As a group, we discussed the various digital technologies that we utilised to create our music video or the track 'Beatophone'. We talked about how the digital technologies that we used can be categorized into hardware, software and online technology.  I used a range of media technologies in order to make our product more varied for example I used YouTube as a research tool as well as for an exhibition platform for our final product. I also utilised other platforms such as Blogger, SlideShare and Prezzi in order to plan and research the process and develop our ideas. Furthermore, the use of digital technologies has allowed me to be innovative and creative during the process of making my music video in addition to playing a big role in the creation of our ancillary products that make up our campaign. From my point of view, this was a creative process that proved to be essential in order to make our products successful.

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