Sunday 12 March 2017

Evaluation Task 4 - Part 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Overall I have used and developed my skills with a variety of media technologies and have used these technologies creatively as well as using technological convergence in order to create effective media products and a successful campaign.  

My creative use of digital technologies such as the Black Magic Camera, Hitfilm, Photoshop and Wix have enabled me to become a prosumer, a creator of media products to a near professional standard.  

Furthermore, the use of Adobe Premiere Pro as a piece of editing software has taught me how to select and organise a music video to a very high standard using semi-professional  media equipment.  

Additionally, I have also been able to share my creative ideas and research global and industry standard products and the use of digital technology has opened up opportunities for me to upload, share and distribute my products using You tube as a free online broadcast platform.  It is also formed part of an interactive and collaborative process due to the fact that audiences have been able to provide feedback, like and comment on my products using the specific like and comment features on YouTube itself as well as getting video feedback from our focus group sessions and video feedback that we have sourced.

These new skills that I have acquired on this course have enabled me to gain further knowledge and experience not only as a user of digital technology, but also about how to become a producer which has been important for me in terms of gaining a deeper understanding of media in an online age.

From my point of view, my use of digital technology has helped me to form a 'participatory culture' 
which was theorised by Henry Jenkins and has demonstrated to me how the Internet has brought digital technology  to the forefront through offering opportunities for regular audience members to produce and upload their own products which is something I have been able to achieve with my own products. 

Overall, I have demonstrated how I have been able to successfully use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages of my music publicity campaign and this is shown through the fact that I have created 3 strong media products which have come together and worked harmoniously to create a creative and unique music publicity campaign.

Image result for media digital technology

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