Tuesday, 8 March 2016

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? (Task 3)

Created with Padlet

Above is a padlet that I have created which describes what institution would make my film as it is; an opening sequence. 

Below is a padlet that I have created which describes what institution would make my film as a whole film/blockbuster.

Created with Padlet

I looked at two separate institutions in order to establish what institution was likely to make my film as a whole film and which institution was likely to make my film as it is; an opening sequence. From this, I decided that a big international institution was likely to make my film as a blockbuster because they would be able to use a big budget to produce my film as well as use big names for the actors and directors of the film. However, on the other hand, I decided that a small independent institution would be more likely to produce my film as on opening sequence as it would only require a very minimal budget and could use first time directors and actors or not very well known ones. This aided my understanding as to what kinds of institutions produce what kinds of media products in terms of their budgets, scale of production and above the line costs including directors and actors. This is why I have chosen two contrasting institutions to create my film as an opening sequence and as a big blockbuster. 

1 comment:

  1. Firstly well do for using two different software’s to present this evaluation with excellent use of technology for both sections. Your post shows clear research into both the history of the studio and why they would make your film. Both excellent posts, to develop this further add detail explaining why you have looked at two separate institutions, but overall excellent.
