Friday 3 February 2017

Evaluation Task 2 - Part 1: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


In order to see how effective our main product ( a 3 minute promotional music video)  was and how effectively it worked with the ancillary tasks (Website and CD Digipak) that we created we had to think about ow the three products reflected the star image and unique selling point of our band. 

From my research I discovered that Keith Negus argues that 'a pop music video is used as a promotional tool’ and the branding of the products comes about through the formation of a star image. In addition, branding is also used by the music industry to create a range of products for audiences across a range of genres and musical styles. 

When considering how our campaign was going to be marketed at our target audience we considered Philip Kotler's definition of marketing; “Human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes”. This translates as the selling of products and services to the audience and enabling them to buy into the star image. Marketing, for Kotler is the key to success of any campaign and it consists of four variables; the four P’s; Price, Place, Product and Promotion.

The aim for our products was to create a campaign where the three products worked harmoniously together and helped to create an overall impression and theme for the band. Due to the fact that our band is of the electro-swing genre I wanted this to be reflected across all products of the campaign and we achieved this by incorporating elements of the 1920’s into each of the products that make up the music publicity campaign.  

Furthermore, for the music video we decided to portray a 1920’s style in terms of the mise-en-scene elements and this was further reflected through our choice of colour scheme for the website along with the golden embellishment effect that we achieved for the design for the CD Digipak. 

I believe that we have created a cohesive and effective music publicity campaign where the three products work harmoniously to portray the qualities of the band’s star image; originality, creativity and talent as well as reflecting their organic nature and their USP of blending elements of the old and new. Overall, I believe that the combination of our main product with the ancillary products was effective. 

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