Friday 8 July 2016

Developing ideas for digipaks and homepages for Idea 2

I have been thinking about different ideas for website designs and album artwork designs for the track 'Whose bed have your boots been under?"

I have been looking at Shania Twain's album artwork for this track and also her website to get some ideas for what the original looks like and how the artist presented her star image and visual theme on her website. I don't think that the design or colour scheme of Shania's website will be similar to that of the artist that I have created because her website focused more on her image and the colours were very dark and provided more of a pop/rock vibe rather than a country vibe. I think that instead of the dark purples I am more likely to use lighter and softer colours for the background and maybe some red to show her rebellion and slightly sexualised look. I like the rustic and vintage look to the album artwork, however I don't like the fact that the focus is entirely on her face and it appears quite outdated.

I want to make sure that the music video, website and digipak all tie in nicely together and that there is an overall visual theme across all three products. Additionally, I want to make sure that I take into account influences from the country music genre and also the fact that the artist that I have created has an organic look according to Negus' theory and is also described as youthful, creative, original and successful against the odds according to Dyer's star theory.

I want the website to represent the star image of the artist, reflect her ideology as well as work harmoniously with the other products to create a visual theme and work well with the track. This is why I think that the website should be mainly focused around the music and the tour dates etc. rather than the appearance of the artist. I don't think that there should be too many photos and visuals of the artist on the website and the website should appear organised and structured. I have been looking at Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood and Dolly Parton's website to get some inspiration and creative influences.

Below are some images that I have drawn inspiration from and that I think would work well with the visual theme for this artist. I like the bright colours, the vintage look and also the focus on the rustic country style. I would like to incorporate the image of some cowboy boots into the digipak and website as not only do they fit with the track but they also represent the genre well and would fit with the artist's look. 


From this inspiration I thought deeper into the lyrics of the song and tried to find some inspiration from that. When thinking about the lyric 'whose lips have you been kissing?' I thought about the image of a lipstick stain which then led me to the idea of having a pair of cowboy boots with lots of lipstick stains on them which would tie in well with the narrative of the music video. The image of the cowboy boots represent the genre well and ties in nicely with the star image of the artist. the use of the red lipstick stains would also tie in with the sexual appeal of the artist as well as the cheeky and rebellious nature of the artist. Through the use of the colour red, the connotations are that of being sexy, cheeky, rebellious which would tie in appropriatelywith the three products. Below are some pictures demonstrating my ideas.

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