Saturday 9 July 2016

Developing ideas for digipaks and homepages for Idea 3

I have been thinking about different visual themes that I could use to link my music video, digipak and website homepage together to produce a cohesive campaign. I want to make sure that the website and album artwork match the star image of the artist as well as working well with the interpretation of the track and the meaning behind the lyrics.

I have been looking at KT Tunstall's original album artwork for this track as well as her website to get some inspiration and see what the original is like and how I can incorporate elements of the actual artist's style and ideas into my own.

I like the original album artwork because it is simplistic and very clear to the target audience. However, I don't think that it is a very good representation of the artist's star image or of the genre of the music. I like the fact that it appears to be worn out and also I like the fact that it looks like the drawings could have been the artists own giving it a more personal and down to earth touch.

I was really surprised when I looked at KT Tunstall's website homepage because in my opinion the use of the bright colours and the image used completely juxtaposes the star image that was created in the music video making the products not work harmoniously. I don't think that the bright colours and geometric print fit with the look of the artist nor do they provide a cohesive campaign. I think that when creating my own website homepage for my artist I will use a much more discrete and mysterious colour scheme and I will make sure that there is a visual theme that matches the music video with the website as well as making sure that the artist's star image is consistent throughout the campaign.

I have been looking at other indie rock artist's websites to get some inspiration and ideas for my own website. I like the ones below because I think that the layout, colour scheme and design/imagery would work well with my artist and would fit with her star image and genre of her music. I like the use of the dark colours and the element of mystery and illusions with each of these websites and they have given me some inspiration for when I create my own website.

I have been looking at various images and different album artwork designs to get some inspiration and influences for my own artist. I want the album artwork to represent the track as well as the star image of the artist and I would like there to be a visual theme that could be carried from the music video into the album artwork. I have been thinking about the imagery of the tarot cards, mirrors, mazes, kaleidoscopes and illusions/mystery.



I really like the idea of using the image of a horse but creating a maze within the shape of a horse's head. The image of the horse not only matches the track but the horse also represents the strength of character of the artist and the characteristics of a horse match that of the star image of the artist in terms of rebellion, independence, pride and courage. 

Another idea this has lead me to consider is to create my own tarot card to use as the album artwork and on the tarot card there would be a black horse as this horse represents a lot of things in the song including the artists strength and courage as well as weakness and mysterious nature. I think that the image of the horse on an old tarot card would not only work well with conveying the track, star image of the artist and the genre of the music but it would also provide a good visual theme that could be used across all three products in the campaign.

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