Saturday 14 January 2017

Coming up with a band name

We have been trying to come up with a band name for quite a long time now but nothing seemed to be working and we didn't like any of the ideas that we had come up with enough to put the on the products. 

We wanted to come up with a band name that tied in well with the star image that we have created for them as well as work harmoniously with their USP and their organic style. I had also suggested that we come up with something that reflects a theme or idea that we have referenced or used within the 3 products of the campaign as I thought that this would give us a good starting point. From that point we started to brainstorm ideas. 

Image result for band name

One day, whilst Chris and I were working on the website, Chris had the idea of B-side label. We liked this idea as it was ambiguous and it would get the audience intrigued as to what it meant, however we weren't sure whether it was appropriate for the genre of music that the and create and we also thought that it was too long. We then realised that we liked this name because it was ambiguous abut we wanted something shorter. 

I had the idea that we could use a fancy word for time travelling or something to do with the movement of time or the concept of time due to the fact that this was reflected in our music video when the time period jumped from the 1929's to the future. I thought that we could use the word for the fear of time travelling or eve the fear of time. However, upon our research we realised that there were no specific words that were short and ambiguous that related to this theme and so we abandoned this idea. 

Evelyn then had the idea of coming up with something that related to the scientific element that we explored in the music video. She suggested that we look at the names of the elements in the periodic table as these are occasionally short and ambiguous words. 

She found 'aether' and instantly we knew it was going to work. It was scientific, ambiguous and a short and snappy word that was easy for audiences to remember. It then felt even more appropriate as a band name when Evelyn started telling us about the history of this scientific element as it was very popular around the 1920's which not only ties in well with the 1920's element of our music video but it also reflects the genre of music very well. 

We then decided to go with aether as our band name as it just felt right and all the members of our production group liked it. 

Image result for aether
This is what the element aether looks like

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