Tuesday 10 January 2017

Audience Feedback 2

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We have already had some audience feedback on our music video from some of our peers at school. But we thought that it would be a good idea to get some feedback from people outside of school and people of different ages. Therefore we decided to send a link around to our friends and family to see what the general public's reaction was to our music video.

Fortunately, the overall feedback from our friends and family was very positive. The general opinion and comments about the music video were that it was impressive,  very good and enjoyable to watch, as well as the storyline being clear and very original and creative. Some of the audience members even mentioned the fact  that they had viewed the other music videos created by our peers and that ours was very different and stood out from the rest. They thought that the narrative was clear and that it made the video more engaging and kept them intrigued as to what was going to happen next rather than it simply being about someone singing into a microphone. 

Image result for positive feedback

One of the audience members that Evelyn contacted for feedback commented on the fact that it reminded them of Doctor Who  because of the jump in time which clearly demonstrated that the audience understood the transport to the future, which we were very pleased about due to the fact that many of our peers who we had interviewed previously were unclear about this aspect of the video. 

Image result for doctor who gif time travel ]

We were particularly surprised with the fact that the audience members loved the mad scientist and found him highly entertaining which is completely contrasting wit the feedback we got from our peers. We realised that this may be due to the fact that the actor playing the mad scientist is a teacher at our school and so there may have been some bias in this feedback as they know him and therefore were not so complimentary. However, our friends and family thought that he suited the role very. Some people even commented saying that they thought that he was a strong addition to the music video video as he helped to build a clear contrast between the unconventionality of the rest of the video and that his appearance was very fitting for the role. 

In addition, one of the other audience members said that they really liked the set design and they thought that it was very effective and impressive as it helped them to establish the time period and it also look very visually striking. One of the younger audience members said that he was particularly impressed with the mad scientist's lab as he thought that it matched the manic acting of the scientist and the use of colours were effective. We are really that the audience liked the set as this was very expensive and time consuming to create and we are pleased that they were impressed with the mise-en-scene was a very strong aspect of our music video meaning that we did a good job wit the art direction. 

Unfortunately, one of the audience members picked up on the camera work commenting that it was a little bit unstable and shaky at times. I think that this could have been improved in our video as at times there are parts where one of the performers head is out of the frame, however it is understandable as there was a lot of movement and choreography that was very difficult to frame. 

The thing that I am most pleased about is the fact that through showing the music video to our friends and family and asking them for feedback the video has reached around 3000 views! Which means that people are definitively intrigued by it and are enjoying it. 

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