Friday 13 January 2017

Generating song names for the website

We have been trying to come up with some song names to go on the website and the album. We had to think about what kind of feel we want audiences to get from our album and we also had to consider names that would tie in with the genre of music and also with the name of the track used for our music video. 

I was responsible for coming up with some options for the band name whilst Chris and Evelyn worked on the album and the website. I came up with some of the song names purely from my imagination and creativity but for some of them I used the website song name which helps you to generate song names.

Song Name Generator

Here were my first options for song names:

After sending this email I got some feedback from the other members of my group on the suggestions that I provided them. They said that they liked the suggestions but that they were quite long and so I then decided to come up with some more suggestions that were shorter.

My other, shorter suggestions

They said that they liked these ones but they were quite short. So I then suggested that we should take a selection of the ones that they liked from both lists and use of combination as then we would get the best of both worlds. 

We then proceeded to choose a section from both lists that I had generated in order to get a combination of long and short song names. Chris then had the task of translating these into Thai as this was a convention that we wanted to not only use for the album name but also for the list of songs. 

Here is the finalised list of songs that we produced and they are also translated in to Thai. I think that the song names look very good and carry on the theme that we created in the album name as well as tying in well with the genre of music that the band create and their star image. 

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