Monday 16 January 2017

Evaluation Task 1 - Part 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.


I am going to be looking at how my music video, website and CD Digipak have used, developed and challenged conventions that have been used in real media products. I will essentially be looking at how my music publicity campaign is similar to other media products as well as how it differs from other media products.

Before I started to evaluate my own product, I first looked up what conventions are and what some typical conventions of music videos, websites and CD Digipaks are. This helped me to understand in what ways my music publicity campaign was conventional and in what ways it was unconventional. 

In terms of music videos, the conventions you are likely to see can be separated into technical and symbolic conventions. Technical conventions relate to the styles of camera, editing, lighting and sound whereas symbolic conventions relate to mise-en-scene, costumes, props, location/setting colours, makeup and arrangement of band members. For websites, some of the conventions include having a homepage, biography, music video and album links as well as photos of the band members and information about upcoming tours. CD Digipak conventions include having the band name in a larger font than the album name, having a track list on the back as well as having the band name and album name on the spine.

From my research I gained a deeper understanding about how utilising conventions makes it easy for an audience to understand what type of text they are consuming and enable them to situate a song and artist within a musical genre. By following established conventions, I was able to, as a producer, increase the chances that our music publicity campaign would convey our intended message to the target audience.

Negus argues that music videos are essentially the explicit and unashamed promotion of the artists's 'image' as a specific product with a brand identity, ready for mass consumption, therefore, comparing them to a promotional tool.

CONVENTIONAL - Typical/ Expected/ The 'norm'

UNCONVENTIONAL - Atypical/Unexpected/Not the 'norm' 

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