Friday 9 December 2016

Website first draft

Chris was assigned the task of creating a first draft for our website as he has good skills and is very familiar with WIX and so was enthusiastic about taking on this task. 

He came up with the band name 'B-side label' which he believed was alternative, however not too wacky. I think that this name is good however, I am not sure whether it fits with the star image of the band as much as we would have liked it to but it is a good start point. 

The imagery that Chris has used is based off our initial idea of using robots to represent the band. I think that imagery he has chosen works well for the star image of our band as well as working well with the USP of the band. My only concern is that it may look too science fiction like and therefore not reflect the electro swing genre effectively. 

This is the first draft design for the homepage of the website which is what the users will see when they first look at the website. Chris chose an abstract photo of a robot which has a science fiction style to it and he decided to put a black and white filter onto it on order to make it fit with the 1920's style of our campaign and therefore it ties in nicely with the digipak design. 

I really like how the homepage looks but I think that it may be slightly too simplistic and plain and it may not attract the audience's attention due to the lack of colour and unique style. 

He also added in a biography section in order to provide the audience with a range of things including a general introduction to the band members with hints as to what their star image and USP contain. The biography also contains information about the genre of music they create, promotional tools for their latest album and most importantly their latest single which we are promoting; 'Beatophone.'

I like the design that Chris has come up with for the first draft of the website as I like the colour scheme and the imagery that he has chosen. However, I do think that it may be slightly too simplistic and minimalist but for a first draft I was very impressed. 

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