Wednesday 7 December 2016

Brainstorming ideas for the band name

I have been thinking about some options for the band name as we need to come up with something quickly so that we can include it n our website and digipack first designs. 

One of the first options I came up with was PORTMANTEAU which means a linguistic blend of words. I thought that this would be appropriate as it is quite an ambiguous and obscure word but its meaning ties in nicely with the fact that the band blend elements of the old and new in terms of the 1920's origin of the fact that they are a jazz band but then they combine this with the new by making their music more funky and contemporary. This also ties in well with the band's USP and so i think that this would be a good option for the band's name. 

The next option that I came up with was THE QUANTUM MECHANICS which relates to the theme of time travelling which is explored within the music video we have created. I like this name as it relates to the scientific element of the music video and it also ties in well with the idea o time travel which again relates to the band's USP.  I think that this name might be too long however and so it may not work as well as some of the other options. 

The other option I came up with was OXYMORON as this refers to when two words contradict each other. I think that this could be a good option as the word itself is quite obscure and ambiguous and its meaning relates to the combination of the old and new that the band explore in their USP. I think that this would work well as a band name but I am not sure whether it is too literal and doesn't leave enough room for interpretation on the part of the audience. 

I think that all three of these options are good possibilities for band names but I think that we are going to need to do a bit more brainstorming in order to come up with something that works really well and fits the USP and star image of our band really well as well as working well with the other products that make up the band's music campaign. 

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