Wednesday 7 December 2016

Last stages of editing...

Image result for audience preview

We are coming up to being in the last stages of the editing of our music video which is great news. We have been cutting clips together, syncing them up, choosing clips and changing clips throughout the editing process and we are now at the stage where we are about the colour grade our music video and then it will be finished and ready to show to audiences. 

Image result for colour grade

We have decided not to create a rough cut of our video as we thought that this would not be very helpful as we wanted to just get started with a really good version that was carefully and professionally edited and so we decided to spend more time on getting it right the first time around so that we didn't have to create lots of rough drafts and rather just one really good cut. 

The next stage of our editing process is to colour grade the entire thing so that it looks cohesive and so that the various elements which used different colours and lighting look good together. 

Image result for colour grade

When we have finished the editing of our music video and we have a final product we are going to screen it to a preview audience and record their feedback so that we can see what the strength and weaknesses are according to the audience and this will help us to make some last minute tweaks, additions and changes depending on their suggestions before posting it on YouTube for audiences. 

I think that this audience feedback will be very useful as it will help us to identify strong and weak areas of our music video and will hopefully aid us in creating the best video that we could possibly create. 

Image result for audience feedback gif

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