Wednesday 7 December 2016

Audience Feedback

We have decided to get some audience feedback on our music video to see what the strengths and weaknesses of the video are. This has helped us to see what additions and changes the test audience have suggested for our product and it allowed us to see whether the audience's views are similar to our views.

From the audience feedback we received we were able to see that the audience thoroughly enjoyed our music video and the concept of the scientist mixing chemicals and this causing the time leap from the 1920's to the future was clear and enjoyed by the audience. However, the audience appeared to think that the 3 dancers were aliens during the futuristic section which was not our intention and there were mixed views about the mad scientist as half of the audience said that they liked the scientist and that they wished he had been more wacky and featured more throughout the video, whilst the other half discussed the fact that they didn't think that the actor playing this role was right for the role and that they thought that these sections were quite weak.

The audience also suggested that we could have introduced the futuristic section earlier on within the video and this would have made the two elements even in terms of how much they were shown throughout the music video. Despite this, they all said that they were very impressed with the mise-en-scene and art direction in the video and that the set design was particularly detailed and visually striking. 

I think that our audience feedback has been very useful and I believe that our views coincide with that of the audience and I think that this was a helpful process in order for us to see how we could have improved the video.

Here is the audience feedback video that I created:

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