Thursday 1 December 2016

Researching the Thai langauage

Due to the fact that we ave come up with the initial idea of using Thai for the album name I decided to do some research into the Thai language and what the letters look like. 

We are currently thinking that our album name is going to be BOLT in Thai.

I think that the Thai language looks very illustrating and the letters appear very stylised and I found that the letters almost look like art in themselves rather than letters. I think that the use of Thai could work really well for our album artwork as it would be quite ambiguous and it would provide something different for the star image of the band. 

Here are some images of the Thai language and alphabet:

Image result for thai language

Image result for thai language

Image result for thai language

1 comment:

  1. Nanci

    There is an excellent record of research into your campaign design. Well done for the research and planning of your campaign. This is starting to take shape - you have a concept that needs refining. You do need to consider the star image that is to be promoted in the artwork for the CD digipak and consider what information needs to be developed for the promotional and publicity of this as a campaign. Consider carefully how you might develop your USP of the band for the target audience. I like the choice of an animated CD cover - but I think you need to choose wisely how this is to be designed. Your challenge for next week is to draft a website using WIX and start designing the CD digipak. Very consideration is given to the design of font.
