Wednesday 7 December 2016

Conventions of Websites

Due to the fact that we are going to be creating a website for our own band using WIX I thought it would be appropriate and useful if I did some research int the conventions of websites and had a further look into what a website involves and how it is used a s a promotional product as part of a music campaign.

Image result for wix website

A website homepage is the first page of the website that users will come across and this page usually contain s links to other pages, such as a merchandising page, tour dates and band biography. 

Websites contain information which publicises and promotes the artist image and a range of information and images to an audience or a fan base. Often this is organised into what Boyd has termed co-option - the invitation to join the community and take part. 

Image result for website homepage band

When creating the website for our band we need to consider how it is going to present the band's star image as well as their USP. Through my research, I discovered that media marketing of the pop star image have become iconic and famous and iconic images have helped retain the popularity of existing and legendary artists. 

All music websites are about promotion and information provided to the audience. They fall into three main categories; promotions of a single or album release, promotions of a tour or live appearance, merchandising - posters and t-shirts for sale. I think that our website is most likely to be promoting the album that we have created as well as some additional elements of upcoming tour dates and merchandise that is available to purchase. 

Image result for website homepage band

A website's home page is usually the most important page and it contains various elements. These conventions provide information in their own right or offer the audience the opportunity to interact with the page, share it and navigate to other parts of the page or website. Although the content varies on different home pages, there are similar conventions which are used such as the fact that the layout of many websites follow a similar pattern or template. From my research, I found out that any variations are dependent upon the purpose of the website and the needs of the target audience. 

Image result for website homepage band

From looking at a variety of website homepages from different genres I discovered that they all consist of the same visual and technical coding that are stylised in different ways to reflect the  star image represented and the brand that the band want to promote. 

I would like to take on board the things that i have learnt through this research into the conventions of websites when creating my own website and it would be great if we could allow the website to reflect the star image and USP of the band as well as help to promote the artist and the other products (album and music video) that make up the rest of the music publicity campaign. 

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