Monday 5 December 2016

Thinking about the Star Image and USP

After starting design the digipak and website for our band I have been thinking about what kind of star image we are trying to create for the band as well as what their USP could be and how these could be reflected in the music publicity campaign.

When considering the band's star image I thought about how I wanted them to be viewed by their audience and how I wanted them to come across in their products. I think that their image should be youthful as this will make them more attractive for their target audience. I also think that it is important that their star image reflects the fact that their are creative, imaginative and original and that their music and ideas are expressing something new and current and this will attract audiences. 

I have created a word cloud to try and brainstorm some ideas for their star image

In terms of the band's USP I think that is probably the fact that their music is rooted in 1920's jazz and despite this they are able to put a modern twist on it by adding elements of electronic music making it more contemporary and therefore more engaging for modern audiences and fans. I think that this is very special as they are continuing the use old instruments but they are making current and up to date music. In my opinion, our idea of using a robot as imagery for the digipak and website fits this well and I think that it is reflective of both their star image and their USP.

Image result for unique selling point  

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