Monday 5 December 2016

Developing ideas for the digipak and website

We have been developing our ideas for the digipak and website and considering how we can make it tie in better with the star image of the band as well as how can we make it more aesthetically and visually striking for the target audience. 

One of the things that we discussed as a group was the imagery we have chosen for the digipak and website and we discussed whether the robot appeared too cute and childish and whether it was reflective and appropriate for our band's star image. We talked about how the use of the mustache made his appear too innocent and like a children's cartoon character and how this wasn't what we were going for and so we decided to adapt the imagery and make it more robotic and less cute. I think that the less cute version of the robot will work much better are conveying the star image we have com up with for our band and it will also work much better at attracting the right audience for the album and website. 

Here is the new imagery we have come up with for the robot

We have also been thinking about how we can adapt the website idea to make it incorporate the new, less cute version of the robot and how we can make the website appear more sophisticated and professional than the first draft that we did. 
This is the first draft for our new website idea
We decided that we could use the same imagery for the website as is used for the digipak as this would help to link the two products together and create a cohesive campaign. We thought that we could use the imagery of the robot for the side of the website and have it fading into the black to make the website a bit more mysterious and exciting for the audience. I think that this will work effectively for our website as it will reflect the star image we are creating for the band. 

We have then been considering ideas for a colour scheme for the website and we have been thinking about using quite muted, simplistic and basic colour scheme as we think that minimalism will work well with the star image of the band as well as the fact that this will match their organic image. We are considering using black for the background and then metallic colours for the image of the robot as well as the text on the website. I think that these colours will compliment each other well and I think that they will reflect the USP of the band effectively. 

Image result for metallic texts

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