Monday 21 December 2015

Storyboard Final Copy (Professional)

After making our own storyboard we decided that we wanted to create a professional storyboard which would have a much more advanced and stylised look and would also help us to gain a better understanding as to what it is like working with industry professionals.

Here is the final studio copy of our storyboard which we used on set to aid us in making sure that we got all of the appropriate shots that we thought that we needed for our final product. 

Sunday 20 December 2015

Storyboard - Studio Sketches

We next contacted a Russian Company called Risuem Raskadrovki based in Moscow.

The first sketches were sent to us on the next day after the idea was discussed with the artists. 

We then had a further online discussion on the corrections we would like to make as well as some shot choices where two possible options were given (marked with arrows and question marks on the side). 

For example, we asked them to change the 3rd shot on the seventh page, as we wanted the gun to be framed from a low angle and we corrected the image where the murderer puts out the match, and not the candle. 

We also realised that the victim wouldn't be able to plunge or run with her legs tied up, so we asked to remove the ropes in the very first shot. 

The angle of the girl running (page 12, shot 1) was changed from the back to the front, and finally, on the last two frames of the last page (13), the murderer should still be laughing/smiling.

Lastly, we added a requirement for movement arrows, that are described in the scene outline, to be added. Our comments were approved by the artists and they started the creation of the final storyboard.

Below are the images for the 1st draft of the storyboard sent to us by the artists: