Sunday, 20 December 2015

New Storyboard (work in progress)

After completing the final scene outline, we decided that it was necessary to create a new storyboard to clarify the idea and make it easier visually to picture the sequence. 

We began by designing the first few shots using a “Tayasui Sketches” app for iPad, obtaining the “Pro pack” which enabled us to use a whole variety of different drawing instruments to create the best visual representation of our idea. 

A close up of two legs tied up to a chair

A close up of the victim's wounded/bruised face

A shot of a murderer’s back as he stands in front of an altar

The murderer walks off to the side revealing a tray with torture instruments

A close up of the victim’s face as she starts getting worried and looks behind her shoulder

A close up of the victim’s hands behind her back also tied up to a chair

A long shot from behind the altar - the murderer slowly walks down the stairs with a knife, approaching the victim

This is still a work in progress and we are still yet to complete the rest of the images/sketches for the new storyboard.

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