Thursday 13 October 2016

Animatic Storyboard

Animatic = a preliminary version of a film, produced by shooting successive sections of a storyboard and adding a soundtrack.

We have decided to create an animatic for our storyboard rather than doing a test shoot as we decided that this would be much easier to organise an film as well as it being a lot quicker and will give us a better indication if there is anything that doesn't work or anything that needs to be added or removed from the storyboard rather than go out and use the actors and film it. We might, however still do some other test shoots such as testing to see the lip syncing abilities of James Hartman as well as auditioning the dancers to find the best three.

Image result for animatic

Simply put, animatic is an animated storyboard. Boards are brought into an editing program and are cut together with the correct timing and pace of the film. They include basic sound effects, dialogue recordings and scratch soundtrack.

Image result for animatic

Here is a video that I found online about how to create an animatic for the storyboard:

We created our animatic by cropping the images on our storyboard and then placing them on a time line and matching them with the beat of the song. I think that it turned out pretty well and it has allowed us to see what works well and what doesn't work as well and therefore we can make adjustments and changes if we need to.

Creating an animatic has been very useful for our group in terms of figuring out which elements work well and which ones need more development and thought. I think that creating an animatic has been very useful indeed as it has allowed us to see how our video concept is going to work and consider areas that work well and ones that don't work as well. I think that creating an animatic has been much more useful that doing a test shoot as it didn't require us to source any of our actors, dancers, props or costumes as all we had to use was the shots from our storyboard.

I think that the three different element to our music video, tie in really nicely in terms of the 2 dance elements and the mad scientist lab element because I believe that they do a good job at conveying the narrative and they also tie in nicely with the beat of the track and the genre of the music.

Image result for animatic

Unfortunately, I don't think that we have enough shots yet for our music video as in the animatic we had to reuse some of our shots. This means that we are going to need to think about some other shots that we could include to avoid repetition in our video as this could make it loose impact and bore the audience.

There are a few little things that need to change within our music video such as lighting or shot choice changes however these ill only be minor tweaks. The main thing that we need to change is the length of the song. This is why we are considering cutting our song as it is currently 3 minutes and 50 seconds and this could become an issue as it could be come quite repetitive, therefore we are considering cutting it down to around 3 minutes long to avoid this issue.

Here is the animatic for our music video:

1 comment:

  1. Nancy - great progress on your concept this week. Detailed and thorough blogging. You have completed and uploaded your storyboard as a google document – well done. There is evident very good graphic design and appropriate technical coding to the storyboard will adheres to MV conventions. This in essences will help you and your group visualise the MV product that you want to shoot. This is also ongoing and the storyboard can be modified updated as the production progresses. You have posted detailed set design and recorded your discussion and feedback with the set designers. Excellent detail to your prop list and adheres to your set design - this will be tricky to plan due to the style of your music video and the genre/ time period you want to reflect. What you do is account for the set design can be developed with key decisions made on builds, props, costume and make-up - this needs developing into a definitive list prior to you shoot date.
