Thursday 13 October 2016

Contacting potential cast

I have had replies from a few of the dancers saying that they are interested in taking part in the video and they are willing to audition to be featured in the video. Below are some of the emails that I received from the dancers saying that they are interested. 

So far I have had relpies from Sally, Cressie, Honor, Oriana and Emily saying that they are interested in taking part. I have also had Elise tell me in person that she is also interested in being involved. Unfortunately, Maddy and Megan have told me that they are unavailable to participate. This means that we have a good group of dancers who we can audition to find the best 3 for the video. 

We are still in the process of finding a suitable time to audition these girls.

I have also spoken to James Hartman in person to give him some more details about the role and the potential filming schedule. I spoke to him about the fact that he will be playing a mad scientist who is trying to hack into a computer and is doing some coding and I also reiterated the fact that he will be required to lip sync. 

I told him that Luke has said that we are likely to be filming in either the 2nd or 3rd week after half term and he said that this would be fine but that he needs some notice of exactly what day so that he can sort out a cover teacher for his lessons and he would prefer to not have to sort out a cover teacher for his lessons if this is avoidable. 

I think that it would be a wise idea to email him and ask him what days would work best for him and even ask him to send through his timetable so that we can plan as to what day would be most convenient for him. 
I'm also going to pass on this information to the other members of my production group so that they are aware and also ask Luke about the flexibility in the filming schedule if there are only certain days that James can do. 

I have also sent an email to Klaudia who is a student who plays the saxophone. We would like to use her in our music video as part of the Jazz Band and so I sent her an email to see if she would be interested in participating. If so she will be required to bring in her own saxophone, especially because she has a pink one! Here is the email that I sent her:

Luckily Klaudia emailed me back soon after and said that she would be interested in taking part. This is very good news as it means that we have a talented Saxophone player as part of the jazz band as well as the fact that she has her own saxophone which she can bring into school meaning that we don't have to source one. Here is the email she sent me back:

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