Luke suggested to us that we have a look at valve museums that are near by because it is possible that we could go and film at one of these locations and then in post production we could wrap the footage of the jazz band members playing their instruments around the valves and this would make it look as through the mad scientist had created the musicians within the valves.
I think that this is a really good idea as it would add something a bit different and quirky to our music video and it would also make the transition from the 1920's element to the futuristic element look more professional and make more sense to the audience.
I think that the imagery of the valve works well not only with the mad scientist element of the video but also the use of the metals and the wires links in nicely with the mechanical sound of the track.
I have been struggling to find a museum that has a specific exhibition to do with valves as this is quite hard to find but I have found some other museums that are in London and Brighton which we may be able to go to as they have exhibitions to do with mechanical objects, robotic style machinery and other things that would work well as a substitute for the valves. Ideally we would like to find a valve museum but I'm not sure where we are going to be able to find one.

The next step is trying to decide on a museum and see which ones have the exhibition that it going to best suit our requirements and also let us film the exhibition for our video.
I like the look of The Kemptons Great Engines Trust because it is a museum for engineering and steam engines and so it has the right kind of industrial look that we are going for as well as the fact that it looks like ti might have some interesting elements that we could film and would work well with the other elements of our music video. The issue with filming at this location is that it is in Feltham which is quite far away from school and so I'm not sure whether it is going to b possible to travel his far for a filming location.
I need to have a discussion with the other members of my group and see if they have found any valve museums near school that would be possible filming locations as the ones that I have found and researched all appear to be quite far away from school.
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