Monday 31 October 2016

Auditioning the dancers

Today we held auditions for the dancers for our music video. Unfortunately, the other girls that we emailed weren't able to come as they has prior commitments. However, we did have three girls show up and they worked really well together and they looked really good together and so we have decided to the cast the three girls who showed up. The three dancers that we have cast are Sally, Oriana and Cressie. They are all brunette which makes them a very good trio.

To start out with we didn't have a routine for them to learn as none of the members of our production group are choreographers! however, luckily the girls were able to choreograph something for themselves to show us and this proved to us that they would be a good pick for our video. We told the girls about our idea and concept and they came up with a short routine to show us of a 1920's style. Here is what they came up with:

In addition, to seeing the girls dance together we also thought it would be a good idea to see the girls dance individually. We decided to ask them to show us the routine on their own to see their potential. We told them that we weren't looking for the best technical dancers but rather some good performers who would be able to make it their own and look like they were having fun and have smiley faces when they were dancing. Here are the individual auditions:


We also asked the girls to come up with a short rotuine to show us what they could do for the futuristic element of the video and this is what they showed us. We were really impressed with what they could offer.

After this we asked the girls what tricks they were able to do as we were thinking for the transition we could use their tricks as a flash of footage before transitioning from the 1920's element to the futuristic element. 

We were really pleased to hear that the girls can do some reall impressive tricks including cartwheels, roundoffs, leads, jumps and lots more.

I'm really pleased that we have successfully auditioned and cast 3 very strong performers and I'm excited to see what they choreograph for the shoot!

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