Thursday 13 October 2016

Props List

We have been coming up with a list of all the props and materials for the set build that we will need to source whether that is through purchasing them online, asking the theatre department at school or borrowing them from other students. We have been creating this list in order tot prepare and plan for our shoot day as this is an essential process for the pre-production stage of the music video and also this allows us to see what props/materials we still need to get a hold of.

Here is the props/materials list that we have come up with, although this is still a work in progress as there may be things that change and there may also be things that are added to this list later on in the process. But here is the list for the time being: 

Where from?
Double Bass -Traditional
Double Bass - Electronic
Mike Elvin has one
Violin - Traditional
Can borrow it from a friend
Violin - Electronic
Have one
Piano - Traditional
School has one - cannot move it (Ebay?)
Piano - Electronic
School has one
Klaudia W. has one
School has one
Where from?
Shipping Container
School has one behind the studio
School has one
Red Curtains
School has black curtains which can be lit in red light to make them appear tinted
Stage Roster
School has one
Walls (Brown & White)
School has panels we can use to create a wall
Floor Tiles (Carpet & Checkered Lino)
School has them
Where from?
Dresses for Dancers
Elizabeth (wardrobe mistress)
Steampunk Goggles for Scientist
Amazon (not that expensive)
Scientist lab coat
Theatre/Science department
Suits for audience
Actors/theatre department
Where from?
1920’s style
Laura Smith (Make-up artist)
Futuristic style
Laura Smith (Make-up artist)
Where from?
LED old-school pub boards
Computer Action Prop
1920 Desk Lamp
Smoke/Dry Ice (possibly)
Photography dept. has a smoke machine
Chairs and Round Tables
School has them
Futuristic Lamps
Evelyn has a funky desk lamp
School has them
Test Tubes/Science-y Stuff
Chemistry Lab (clean)
Vintage Slide Projector (possibly???)
Scientific Coffee Machine
Where from?
Tealight Candles
Can purchase electronic or real ones
ETC Source Four Junior
Provided by school
JTE Pixelline 1044 Fixtures (possibly)
Provided by school
Galaxia LED Softlight
Provided by school
Martin Mac 700 Profiles (possibly)
Provided by school
Atomic 300 DMX (possibly)
Provided by school
Possibly adding lights to the computer (010)
Possibly provided by school
LED Tape
Not that expensive on amazon

Wires connected have a lot of music videos to look at and take inspiration from
to different things in the shipping container to show that scientist is doing something really crazy rather than just simply an old computer - William Robinson-esque inventions
Having the 1920 jazz club projected on something, scientist kind of messing around with the old thing, it explodes and then switches to the kind of futuristic setting.

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