Wednesday 19 October 2016

Casting Issues

Unfortunately I received an email from James Hartman yesterday saying that he is unavailable to play the role of the mad scientist in our music video due to the fact that our shoot day Tuesday the 8th of November and he has other commitments on Tuesdays.

This is of course really unfortunate as we really wanted to use Jams for this role as he is not only a very talented actor and would be able to lip sync, but he also has the look that we were going for with this character. 

I spoke to my teacher about this issue and he said that rearranging the shoot day around when James can be available is not possible and that we are going to have to have a re-think and re-cast this character.

My teacher suggested Mike Timson who is another teacher at school who he believes has the appropriate look for this character, however I am unsure as to what his lip syncing abilities are like and I need to discuss this issue with the other members of my group before we make a final decision. 

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