Wednesday 5 October 2016

Music Video Idea Development

We have decided to adapt and develop our idea in a different direction after some consideration of the advice we received regarding our narrative idea for the track. Therefore we have decided to come up with a new visual concept to go along with the same track that makes more sense, fits better with the track and makes the group excited about the process we are about to start.

Image result for development of idea

Our new idea involves going from a 1920's style jazz club where there are people dancing within that style and there is a jazz band behind them that consists of people playing the clarinet, saxophone, violin etc into a modern day, funky, colourful and upbeat dancer section with the same people which will be reflective of the overall narrative which involves going forward in time.

Image result for 1920's jazz clubImage result for futuristic dancing

Essentially there is a mad scientist who is in his laboratory which is set in a shipping container. He is messing around on his very old computer and he manages to go forwards in time. This is reflected in the other two elements which at first will be a 1920's dance element with a jazz band and once he presses a button that sends everything forwards in time the dance element will change and there will be a DJ rather than a jazz band and the dancers will be dancing in a hip-hop style wearing very modern clothes that are colourful, funky and bright.

Image result for mad scientistImage result for old computer

Image result for hip hop dancersImage result for 1920's dancers

The 1920's dance element will involve using black and white within the colour scheme ad we are considering using either a sepia or a black and white effect in the editing to make the clear contrast between the 1920's and the present day.

Image result for sepia effect on jazz clubImage result for black and white jazz club

The mad scientist will be the artist and therefore the other element will be a lip sync from the mad scientist. This will work nicely as it means that will be a lip sync element as well as the artist playing an integral role within the narrative.

We now need to do some research into the various design elements that are going to be used in this video. We need to consider the sue of mise-en-scene, lighting, costume, props, set designs etc.

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