George, the lighting director at school came in to talk to us today about the different options for lighting that are available for us to use in our music videos. We discussed the various lights and what they can offer us and what they do and some advantages and disadvantages for each of the different lights.
The Atomic 3000 DMX is a type of strobe light which I believe would work really effectively for the robotic dancing section of the performance element or when the mad scientist presses the button which would be reflective of the panic and time travelling that happens. However, we need to be careful if we use this feature as we would need to put up warning signs before using this light as it is can be harmful for people who have epilepsy.
Another light that we talked about was the UV Cannon which works really effectively in a pitch black room. I think that this light could be really effective for the shipping container lab element of our music video especially with a coloured filter as this could add mood and atmosphere to the scene.
The ETC Source Four Junior is essentially a simple spotlight that works as a manual light meaning that you have to adjust it in terms of where you want it to hit and what kind of effect you want it to have. This light allows you to change the spot size and manipulate the colour through the use of gels. We have talked about suing this kind of light for the members of the jazz band to make them stand out in the 19209's section of the narrative as not only would this look effective on the musicians but it would also look good with the after effects of making this footage of a sepia or black and white effect.

The Thomas 4 Cyc light has 4 individual light cells and is mainly used for lighting in things that use either a green screen or an infinity screen. This light has 4000 watts of light which allows it to avoid forming shadows which helps in the editing process if you have used a green screen. This light also provides a big wash of light. I think that this light could be used really effectively in the modern/up to date dancing section of our music video as we have discussed the use of colours, although we don't want it to appear too much like a club or a rave as this doesn't tie in nicely with the track.
The Galaxia LED soft light provides a soft style light which appears to be frosted or diffused. This means that you don't see the edges of the light which makes it particularly effective for lighting faces as it reduces the shadows under the eyes. Another feature of this light is that you can change the colour temperature. Due to the fact that this light is effective in lighting faces I think that it would be a good light to use for the mad scientist element with the lip sync sections as this will allow the audience to see this characters facial expression more clearly.
Additionally, the pixelline 1044 lights are essentially LED batten which come in a variety of colours and you can add effects too such as a flicker. These light have two different purposes; they can be used in the view of the camera as a visual effect within the shot or they can be used to light people in the shot. Again, we think that this type of light would be very effective for the modern'up to date dancing section of our video as we have discussed the fact that we want to make this element bright and colourful.
Another light that George told us about were the moving lights that we could use such as the Sharpy Wash 330 which can change colour, beam size and can make the light appear frosted or harsh. There is a possibility of using this style of light for the dance sections of the video as I think that this is where this type of lighting would be most appropriate and effective.
The final light that he talked about what the Martin Mac 700 which again can make the light appear frosted or harsh and has the ability to change size. Another interesting feature of this light is the ability to add images called gobos which could be a very cool visual effect which we could incorporate into our music video. Due to the fact that this light provides us with the opprotunity to add gobos and imagery I think that this could be very visually interesting within the mad scientist's lab (shipping container) to project images of codes and scientific posters etc. on the walls to add to the idea that he is a mad scientist who is a bit nuts!
Overall, I found this lesson really interesting as it helped me to gain a deeper understanding about what lights are available for us to use in our music videos and the different abilities and visual effects that these lights can have. This lesson has definitely helped my group and I to have a better idea as to what kind of lights are going to work the best and be the most effective for our music video.
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