Monday 12 September 2016

Audience Profile for Group Idea 1

After doing some research into real artists who have similar images, websites, music videos and star images's I have been thinking further about what the target audience would be and also what kind of record company our artist would be likely to get signed to.

 Image result for audience profile media definition

I think that due to the fact that one of the star qualities that the duo would posses would be youthfulness I would say that their target audience would be teenage and young girls mainly because these are the kind of people who would be attracted to their star image and also their genre of music and overall look and sound. This leads me to think that the audience profile for the indie duo would be younger and teenage girls.
Image result for teenage girls

I also think that the type of record company that the duo would likely be signed to would probably be an independent company that isn't very well known as this would work well with the values that their star image reflects as well as their organic nature. I'm not sure exactly what record company the duo would be signed to but I know that it would be one that attracts the right audience (young and teenage girls) as well as one that also has other artists and bands of the similar genre signed to them.

Audience profiling is a way of categorising your target audience in a more specific way focusing on not only their gender and age but also their socio-economic background. It is useful for institutions to be able to build up detailed accounts of how audiences are constructed. Rather than seeing audiences as masses or in simple numerical terms, it is common practice to find ways of segmenting the audience. This segmentation can be achieved both demographically as well as psychographically.Image result for audience profiling

For this song and bearing in mind the star image for the duo I would say that the audience profile for this track would be teenage girls who according to the JICNARS scale are C1 and are interested in acoustic music and a fresh spirited lifestyle. Their attitudes, beliefs and values would be that superficial and material things are not as important as being a good person and their lifestyle would be very environmentally friendly and healthy.

Image result for jicnar scale

According to the VALS system (values, attitudes and lifestyle) which is a type of psychological profiling I would say that or audience would be classed as experiencers who are people who are young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious. They seek excitement and variety as well as looking for the new, the offbeat and the risky. They enjoy social activities and outdoor activities meaning that they will engage in the juxtaposition between the serene countryside visuals and the industrial and harsh looking location. They could also be classed as strivers who seek motivation and approval from the world around them as well as striving for a secure place in life. This quality would fit well with the concept for this music video because of the narrative about looking after the environment and striving to make he world a better place.

Image result for vals experiencers

Additionally, some of the teenage VALS that they would posses would include them being traditionalists who want things to stay as they are as well as utopians who want the world to be a better place. These qualities would not only tie in nicely with the star image for the duo but they would also fit really well with the narrative for the music video and the lyrics to the track.

Image result for teenage vals

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