Monday, 12 September 2016

Audience Profile for Group Idea 3

After doing some research into real artists who have similar images, websites, music videos and star images's I have been thinking further about what the target audience would be and also what kind of record company our band would be likely to get signed to.

Image result for audience profile media definition

I believe that the target audience for this band would be young adult males as thy are the people who would enjoy alternative metal music in my opinion., I would say that our band would be targeting males between the ages of 17 and 28 as this genre of music is usually more popular among young men rather than women.  I also think that because some of the values of the star image for the band include violence, rebellion, gory and sinister I think that these values would be better received by a male audience and I also think that the overall look of the band would fit a male audience much more appropriately. 

Image result for alternative metal fansImage result for alternative metal fans

Audience profiling is a way of categorising your target audience in a more specific way focusing on not only their gender and age but also their socio-economic background. It is useful for institutions to be able to build up detailed accounts of how audiences are constructed. Rather than seeing audiences as masses or in simple numerical terms, it is common practice to find ways of segmenting the audience. This segmentation can be achieved both demographically as well as psychographically.

Taking into account the target audience for the band as well as the star image created for them I would say that the audience profile would consist of being teenage and young adult males would according to the JICNAR scale would probably be classed as C1 and C2. I think that the types of attitudes, beliefs and values and lifestyle that these people would follow would consist of being rebellious, violent, enjoying gore and sinister things, enjoy horror films, have a very alternative look in terms of clothes that was mainly black and slightly gothic as well as having an anti-authoritarian attitude. 
Image result for jicnar scale

Through the application of the values, attitudes and lifestyle psycho graphical profiling system (VALS) I would say that our audience are likely to be experiencers as they appear to be young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious as well as the fact that they seek variety and excitement. They are always looking for the new, the offbeat and the risky. I think that these traits describe our target audience very well and they also tie in nicely with the genre of music and the values that the band represent through their star image. 

Image result for experiencers vals

In terms of the teenage VALS I think that Rebels seems to fit our target audience quite well as these people are described as wanting to remake the world in their own image. I think that this would work well with the star image of the band as well as the genre of music that they create and it would work very effectively in terms of them being able to enjoy and engage with the narrative behind the idea. 

Image result for rebels vals

The original band for this song are singed to the record companies Century Media Records and Atlantic records which are not very well known record companies. I would say that the type of record company to sign my band would be very well known for singing artists of the alternative metal genre as this would mean that the target audience would already be established by the record company and this would help to increase the size of the target audience. Image result for century media records

Image result for atlantic records

I think that because the band are rebellious, violent and have an anti-authoritarian attitude as well as having a synthetic image it is likely that the record company that they are signed to are known for having similar artist and bands with similar star images. I think that the record company that would be likely to sign my band would be Nuclear Blast as they seem to fit the criteria I have listed above as well as also being the record company behind Nightwish and Epica which are very similar bands to the one that we have created. I think that this record company would fit our band really well in terms of the star image, genre of music and also the target audience would already be established due to the fact that they have already singed some similar bands to ours. 

Image result for nuclear blast records

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