Wednesday 7 September 2016

The do's and don'ts when making a music video

In today's lesson we discussed the do's and don't when making a music video which provided me with some very useful information and helped me to gain a better understanding about what my ideas should include such as a performance element and a strong link between the three products as well as what i should try to avoid such as using a very well known song or using a similar video idea to that used in a popular song. I found that the advice I was given was clear and coherent and not only did I learn things about what my music video for my coursework should include but also how this is similar and also differs from how professional music videos are produced.

In the lesson we also discussed Radar music videos which is a website which upcoming artists use to get ideas and treatments for their videos and they post briefs about what thy are looking for and then they can choose a creative idea from what people suggest. I would like to conduct some further research into this website and see what it is all about and what kind of artists and music is being advertised.

Below is a copy of my notes from today's lesson which describe the do's and don'ts why making a music video:

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