Saturday 10 September 2016

Group Idea 2

When thinking about our second idea we decided to go with one of Evelyn suggestions for a track but use her visual ideas for another one of her ideas because we though it would fit better with the track and the lyrics of the song.

Evelyn's idea was to use a song called Home by Deluka which is not a very well known band and so would work well for what we are trying to create.

Image result for deluka home

After discussing the idea further in the group we decided that we wanted to do something creative and fun with the track and use inspiration from OK GO's music videos which incorporate the use of imaginative props and locations as well as bright colours and flash mobs. We discussed using elements of surrealism and psychadelic elements.

Image result for psychedelic

Image result for psychedelic

Image result for psychedelic

Image result for psychedelic

I really like this idea because I think that due to the pop genre of the track it is very upbeat and fun as well as having an intriguing intro which will draw in the audience. I really like the idea of doing something psychadelic and using surrealaism and bright colours but I think that we need to develop upon this idea a lot more in order to come up with some good ideas for a performance element for the artist as well as what the different scenes are going to show.

Image result for surrealism

Image result for surrealism

Image result for surrealism

After discussing this idea further I suggested doing a flash mob on the school field and involving many students wearing bright clothing all dancing to the track although after further discussion we decided that this may be too difficult to coordinate and choreograph but it is something that we are considering.

Image result for flash mob

We also talked about the possibility of using visual effects and special effects which would help to give the video a futuristic feel to it and also create something fun and exciting for the audience. Although, the use of special effects would mean that the post production would take longer and be more complicated.
Image result for special effects photography

Evelyn also mentioned how it might be fun to use rain and umbrellas and this would work quite well with the track as well as being fun and creative. We could consider suing different coloured umbrellas and this also links in well with the influences we have had from OK GO's music videos.

Image result for flash mob

Overall, I really like this idea and I think it would work well with what our group seems to like and it would create a fun, creative and inventive music video.

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