Thursday 29 September 2016

Our new idea

We have come up with a new concept for our music video which uses a completely different track and different visual elements. This is due to the fact that we decided, as a group, that our original idea wasn't going to work very effectively and the various elements that we had come up with weren't going to fit together effectively ass well as the fact that we realised that the track wasn't very dynamic and there wasn't much to it and it would not provide us with a good basis for our music video.

Therefore we have chosen a new song which is 'Beatophone' by Caravan Palace who are a French electro swing band. We really liked this track as we think it is very different to anything that the school have created before and we like the abstract and bizarre sound as well as the opportunity to do something a bit different and quirky with it.

Due to the fact that the genre of music that the song comes under is electro swing we want to create something that reflects this genre within the visuals. However, we have had the issue that because we have to cast it with students it is very difficult to find students who play jazz instruments such as the clarinet, saxophone and the double bass as they are not very common instruments.
Image result for jazz band

Additionally, the track doesn't have a lot of vocals and although this isn't an issue, it does mean that it is going to limit our ability to have a lip sync element in our video. Therefore we are thinking of replacing the performance element that would be for the jazz band with a dancer as this will make it easier to cast and will also be a much more interesting element for a performance element due to the limited vocals. However, this is just an initial thought and we have talked about the possibility of a band if we can find people to play the instruments.  We are not sure what kind of dancer we are looking for, but due to the fact that the song is quite upbeat and funky I would say that it is likely to be something quite robotic and along the hip-hop lines.

Image result for jazz singerImage result for robotic dancerImage result for robotic dancer

We want to create a narrative as we believe that this would fit the track quite well and I think that if the three elements that we come up with have a link between them then this will make the video a lot more dynamic, interesting and engaging for the audience. At the moment the idea for the narrative is that there is a man who is hanging photos up in a shipping container which is made to look like a photography dark room and this man is blackmailing these other people who we see in one of the other elements which is located in a concert/performance location where the dancer/jazz band is performing. This idea is quite weird and abstract but we think that ti will work well with the song and we were aiming to create something that was a bit out of the box and unique.

Image result for shipping containerImage result for robotic dancerImage result for jazz concertImage result for dark room photography processImage result for dark room photography process

Below are some pictures of our ideas that we drafted on paper in class when we were developing and creating ideas.

We have taken some inspiration from's music video for the song Band Bang which features a jazz band and a 1920's element which is similar to that of what we want to create. I think it would be really fun to experiment which incorporating a 1920's element into the video as I think that this would work well with all the other elements that we have in addition to it tying in nicely with the swing element of the genre of music.

 Overall I really like where this idea is heading and I think that it could be really effective if we develop the ideas well and create a good concept. I think that this track and this idea has a lot of potential and we are all a lot more engaged and excited about his idea than we were about our original idea so I think we are on the right track.

Image result for caravan palace

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