Tuesday 27 September 2016

Work in progress...

We have been working on and developing our idea and we have been trying to come up with some new elements for our music video.

Additionally, we have been creating a timeline of our ideas which involves marking out where the choruses and verses come in during the track and then deciding when we want the various elements to appear within the video.

Image result for timeline for a music video

After the feedback we received in our pitch we have been trying to develop upon our idea and change some of the elements. We have talked about incorporating an element of using geometric designs and patterns such a through the use of lighting or structure.

However, we are still trying to come up with some other elements that will work effectively with the geometric idea as we are not convinced that our previous idea of using an industrial sight or the use of a photography dark room will tie in well with this new idea of using a geometric theme.

Image result for geometric light cubeImage result for geometric lighting structure

Image result for geometric lighting structure

Image result for geometric lighting structure

Image result for geometric patterns

Unfortunately, I get the feeling that along with the other members of my group we are getting a bit sick of our idea and the track and that we are running out of creative ideas and therefore we need to either take a break and re-think what we can do with this track and maybe go back to the drawing board and re consider what w want to get across. Our other option is to pitch our back up idea and see whether this works better. Our back up idea is for the song Beatphone by Caravan Palace. Our initial idea for this track is to do an office set up with people doing fun and wacky tings dressed in 1920's costumes and create a very fun and out of the box, original and highly creative music video.

 Image result for 1920's officeImage result for office workers

Here is a photo of our production group working on the timeline as well as coming up with some new ideas for visuals for our music video.

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