Tuesday 6 September 2016

My AS Journey

Below is a picture I drew which illustrates my AS journey in the form of a desert island. This was reflective exercise we did in order to create a visual representation of our progress and journey from the first year of the course.  
  • The pebbles at the start of the beach represent the rocky start that I experienced at the start of the course.
  • The crabs represent the issues I experienced during the production process of my thriller work.
  • The huge yellow sun represents the achievement and progress that I made throughout the year and how pleased I was with my thriller and all that I had accomplished over the year.
  • The palm tree with the ladder is a visual representation of the hark work and determination that I had in order to achieve my end result and the use of the pink symbols over the top of the palm tree represents the stress that I experienced about whether I was well prepared and ready for the exam.   
  • The X in the corner of the page represents where I am now and of course x marks the spot for the start of my A2 journey. 
  • Overall my AS journey had its ups and downs but in the end I realized that the journey as a whole helped me to achieve my result and aided me in getting to the position that I am in now; ready to start the A2 year. 

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