Thursday, 29 September 2016


We have been drafting our idea for a time line to the song Deluka. However we have now decided to adapt our idea and we have chosen a new track and come up with a new concept as we all thought that Home wasn't going to provide us with a strong option to create a memorable and exciting video and we found the song quite bland and boring after a while and we found a new more exciting track and have started to develop a concept which I believe has a lot more potential.

Below is our original timeline for the song 'Home' by Deluka:

Due to the fact that we are now working with a completely different track and we have been re-thinking and developing our new concept, we have been creating a new timeline. The track Beatophone by Caravan Palace has a weird beat and rhythm to it and it doesn't appear to be clearly split into choruses and verses which makes it quite challenging to timeline. We have split the track into sections depending on whether there are vocals, new instruments being introduced or any specific sounds being made. This has made it easier for us to see the track in distinct sections rather than as one long line of sound. We still need to develop the timeline in terms of deciding what visual elements are going to come in where in the music but I think that we need to develop our idea further and discuss it thoroughly as a group before continuing with the timeline.

Below is the timeline that we have started to create for the track 'Beatophone': 

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