Monday 14 November 2016

Editing 4

Today we did more editing and we started to progress to the start of the futuristic section. 

Image result for gifs of futuristic

One of our aims in today's session was to utilise the 3 shot rule that we had been told about which involved making sure that there were 3 shots of other things such as dancers and musicians shots during the shots of the mad scientist. This was an important editing tool that we utilised as it helped us to get variation between our shots. 

Obliviously, as we started to progress with our video this meant that we were continuing to cut the shots together and decipher an order for the shots and a length for each shot.

One of the things that we needed to add was a shot of Mike's face before the lip sync element as this was important in order to establish who the artist and main character was before he started singing. 

During this session, I made lots of suggestions to the other members of my group regarding what shots we could use next. I helped our group to decide on using a shot of the instruments rather than a shot of the mad scientist as I believed that this shot was more effective and looked better as well as the fact that this ties in well with the 3 shot rule.

Unfortunately, we ran into another continuity issue in this session as Chris pointed out that in one of the shots of the mad scientist there was a lot of smoke and his face was covered with smoke whereas in one of the shots that we used later on there was a lot less smoke used and it was hardly visible. This was an issue as it meant that there was a difference between these shots and therefore it didn't work in terms of continuity. Unfortunately we didn't get the chance to fix this issue as we ran out of time in this session, but it at the top of the list for things to discuss and have a closer look at the issue.

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