Thursday 3 November 2016

Finalising set design

We have been trying to finalise our choices for the set and lighting and dicussing these with the designers. We had a meeting with on of the set designers today and she was telling us about all of the things that she has sourced for our shoot and her ideas as to what it will look like. 

She has the idea of using a black backdrop for the 1920's jazz club with some maroon curtains which will give it the sense of being within the 1920's. She has some black chairs and tables to compliment the feel of a club and this will help to decorate the space. She has also managed to source some 1920's style lights  for the tables and these look really good and I think that they will provide some very atmospheric lighting. We are also going to have a black rostra for the musicians to stand on and there will be an old piano too. I think that the set designs that we have finalised will work very effectively at conveying our concept of a 1920's jazz club as well as looking very aesthetically pleasing on camera. I like the idea of using maroon as a colour within our set as i think that this is very reflective of the period and I really like the lights that the set designers have sourced as I think that they will look really good in this element as well as providing appropriate lighting. 


The futuristic jazz club will have white flaps for he background and we will be able to project funky lights onto these. The tables and chairs will stay the same but the lights on the tables will be replaced with funky, contemporary modern lights that look really good. Unfortunately, we were not able to get the checkered black and white floor but we are going to be able to put funky lights on the floor and this will probably look better as it wont be distracting for the viewer. 

For the shipping container we have a very simplistic set design for this element as it only really involves a science stool and a table and the rest of this set involves the use of elaborate props and it will look very busy and disorganized. The backdrop in this element will just be the rusty metallic sides of the shipping container. 


Overall, I am really pleased about he outcome of our set designs as I think that they are going to work really well in conveying our different elements. I like the fact that our set designs are quite simplistic as this means that the focus will be placed more on the performers within the video and the track.

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