Friday 18 November 2016

Editing 8

During today's editing session we took on board Matt's comments and tips for editing and we thought about creating  a new cut. After much consideration and discussion I suggested to the other members of my group that instead of making a whole new cut and essentially starting again with a new (performance) cut we should  just make adaptations and changes to the cut we have as this will save us time as well as allowing us to use what we already have and dimply apply Matt's comment to this cut.

Before making any adaptations we ensured to duplicate our original version and save this so that if we don't like what we have done we can simply return back to our original cut. We then started to consider using wide shots, mid shots and close up shots of each person in order to make the footage flow better and this was also taking on board Matt's tips and comments.

We used the blade tool to cut the shots into sections and manipulate the footage as we were playing around with the length of shots and the speed of our editing and seeing how much of an impact cutting the shots to make them longer or shorter had on the overall effect of our music video.

Image result for blade tool final cut pro

One problem that we encountered when editing in today's session was that Mike was using the wrong hand when picking up the chemicals. We realised that this was going to produce a big continuity issue.

Image result for gif continuity issue

In order to solve this issue Chris suggested that we could use the close up shot where Mike is in profile and is fiddling with the chemicals as in this shot we can't see his hands and this therefore eliminates the continuity issue of which hand he is using. However, later on in the lesson we decided that this shot didn't work very well on its own and so we added a shot of the two computer screens before this shot to add more ambiguity and confusion to the video.

Additionally, we also decided to introduce and add in bits of Oriana's tap section as we thought that this would be a good idea due to the fact that it would help us to build up the transition between the 1920's element and the futuristic and make the footage appear moire varied and diverse.

Image result for gif tap

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