Tuesday 15 November 2016

Editing 5

During the lesson we continued editing our music video and asking decisions along the way regarding what shots we wanted to use as well as giving our opinions about which shot work well and which ones could be changed in order to be improved.

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One of the things that we did in this session was that we tried to choose an appropriate shot for the 'waa waa waa waa' section as we wanted this part to look quite quirky although we got stuck when we reached this point as we weren't' sure what shot to use as we had previously had shots of the musicians and therefore we couldn't use shots of the musicians again as well as the fact that this section was being followed by a mad scientist part and therefore we couldn't use anything of the mad scientist for this part. This became a slight issue when we were editing but then we decided to use a clip of the dancers for the time being and to come back to this section when we could come up with something better to fill this gap.

Another decision that we had to make today regarded whether we were going to use a shot of Evie's face or just her violin bow as we were debating which shot to use as the previous shot involved Thomas's hands playing the piano and so we were unsure whether to follow this up with a shot of Evie's hands with the bow. However, we also realised that this shot was going to be followed up with a shot of the mad scientists face and so were hesitant as to which shot to use. I the end we decided to o with the shot of Evie's hand with the bow in it playing the violin as this was a more abstract shot and so fitted nicely as well as the fact that this shot looked better and was framed an focused to a better quality than the one of her face.

In addition, we were also trying to find an appropriate shot of Mike the mad scientist to use after the dancers section but we were struggling to decide between a mid shot of him in a profile position, a long shot of mike with his back to the camera or a wide shot of Mike facing to the side. We debated which shot was going to look the most effective as well as which one would fit the best with what shot comes before and which shot comes after this section. We decided to go with the mid shot where Mike is facing to the side as we thought that this shot would tie in nicely with the previous and following shot as well as the fact that this was the one that you could see Mike's face in the best and so we felt it was the most appropriate shot to use.

One of the issues that we came across when editing today was the fact that the dancer's routine was too short and therefore we realised that we actually don't have enough footage of them dancing and we only have footage of them running around in order to do the section where they do their little poses for the camera. This could become a big issue as it may mean that we might have to reuse some of the dancing footage or we will have to use shots of the musicians instead. I hope that we can come up with a solution where we don't have to reuse previous footage and we can still find enough footage to fill the 1920's section with dancing shots.


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