Thursday 24 November 2016

Similar Products - Websites

I have been looking at artists and bands of the same genre as the one we have created and I have been looking at their website to try and get some inspiration for my own design for our website. I have been looking at the colour schemes that they have used, layout, features, conventions and style in order to gt some inspiration and also to see what artists and bands of the elector-swing genre's websites are like. 


The first artist that I came across was Tape Five who are also an electro-swing band and I have been looking at their website. I like the use of the simplistic colour scheme and plain background and use of neutral colours as it makes it easy on the eye for the audience. 

The use of the features such as promoting their latest album, their merchandise and their concerts are well presented as they are fun and out there and stand out against the plain background colours. The layout is quite simplistic too as the information is in a linear fashion and appears to be quite well organised. 

I think that the use of the generic convention of the heading at the top of the page like home, contact, shop, about etc. are quit effective as they are in a simplistic and bold font and they are easy for the fans to see and find. 

The style of the website is quite boring and dull however as the use of the plain colours doesn't captivate my attention and the use of the plain colours makes the big bold adverts stand out and they appear a bit too overwhelming. 

From this research, it helped me realise that I would like to use quite a simplistic layout for our website and use the convention of the tabs to the other pages at the top of the homepage. However, I was not inspired by the overwhelming advertisements of their merchandise, concerts and album as it felt too much for me and it didn't work very effectively with the neutral background colours. I also felt that the text wasn't large enough and that it could have been made easier and more inviting for fans and this is something that I would like my website to be.


The other website that I had a look at was Postmodern Jukebox's official website. They are also a band from the same genre that I have created and so I wanted to see if I could get any inspiration from their website. 

The first thing I noticed was the use of a clear and effective, yet quite simplistic colour scheme which I thought was highly effective and I liked the fact that style was very reflective of the 1920's which is something that ties in nicely with the genre and it also would work nicely for my website due to the fact that we incorporated a 1920's jazz club into our music video. 

Th features for the merchandise,buying their album, concerts and subscribing for more information were well placed and noticeable for the fans, however they were not too overwhelming and stuck with the 1920's style of the rest of the website. 

I really liked the use of the visuals as they helped to break up the use of text and I also really liked the feature which allowed you to 'read more' about each of the posts on the website as this allowed the audience to dictate how much they read and how much information they were absorbing. I would really like to include this in our website as I think that it intrigues fans and it also helps them to find what they are looking for and read more about the things that they are interested in and skip past the things that don't interest them. 

I wasn't particularly fond of the background colour choice of grey as I found it made the other texts boxes appear dull and boring and so if I were  to take inspiration from this website I would experiment with the use of a dark red which would tie in nicely with the 1920's style. 

I liked this website as I really liked the 1920's style and I think that this would work well for our website. I thought that the layout was effective but I would like to change the background colour to something more rich and darker and I would also like to try and make it appear modern despite using the old style as I don't want it to be dull or too old for our audience. 


The final website that I have been looking at I that of Parov Stelar who is an electro swing artist. I came across his website and I thought it looked quite unique and different and it stood out for me. This is the first thing you see when the website loads and you have to click enter homepage.

I really like the fact that when you click on the different words like videos, gallery, music, contact etc. it takes you to a new page as I think that this adds an element of curiosity for the reader as thy have to click on things to discover more and I think that the feature of making the website interactive between the audience and the artist makes it engaging and exciting for the audience member and so i would really like to somehow use this concept within our website. 

I also really liked the fact that each of the pages was quite simplistic and minimalist in terms of the use of imagery, colour scheme and amount of information. I thought that this was very effective as it wasn't overwhelming for the audience and I thought that the minimalism worked effectively as it draw in the audiences and grabbed their attention. I would like to try and use a minimalist style for our website as I think that i would work well for our concept. 

I realised that the convention of the words that link to different pages is used a lot for artist/bands's website and so I want to try and include this convention but do something different with it and use the interaction that this website had. 

From this research I realised that I wanted to incorporate element form all three of these websites as they each inspired me in different ways in terms of the conventions, style, features etc. I would like to use a simplistic layout and a basic colour scheme that ties in nicely with our theme and concept as well to use some interesting features where the reader has to click on things in order to find out more as I want my website to be interactive, engaging and easy on the eye as well as the fact that I want it to tie in nicely with the other elements of the campaign. 

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