Tuesday 29 November 2016

Sketching Ideas for the CD Digipack

We started sketching our initial ideas for the CD digipack today ad we were trying to come up with idea of some imagery that we could use on our digipack to help us represent the star image of the artist/band.

Through this process we discovered that it is important that we are not too literal with our imagery ad that we don't use imagery that has been used in the music video as this will be boring for the audience as it is predictable. This helped us to avoid certain imagery that was used a lot within our video such as the goggles, scientist equipment and the mad scientists face.


This process also helped us to realise that we are not creating a star image for the mad scientist but rather he is just playing a cameo role and he is just a featured artist on the track and actually he band we are trying to represent consists of the pianist, violin player and saxophone player that formed the band. We then had too consider how we wanted to preset this group of people and what we wanted their star image to be like.

I came up with the idea of using the imagery of some iron lungs but manipulating it so that it looks like a music instrument, possibly resembling a french horn. I think that this could be a very cool idea as it could link our idea of robotic things and advances in science as well as trying in nicely with the fact that the band are an electro swing band therefore play jazz instruments.

We started the explore the idea of robots and robotic style imagery and we were inspired to create an image of a cute robot which we the decided that we liked and that it fits the star image of the band and it also ties in nicely with the music video. I really like the sketch of the robot that Chris created as I think that this could look really good on our digipack and it could be created using animation and graphic design.

We then began brainstorming ideas for the name of the album and at first I  suggested that we could look up the name for the fear of time travelling as this idea of time travel is reflected in the music video and I thought that this word would be quite cool and abstract but we decided against this idea as we thought that it was too ambiguous. I then had the brilliant idea of using Thai due to the fact that Chris is Thai and therefore he knows the language well. I thought that we could think of a word that looks cool in Thai as I thought that the language is quite ambiguous and it is symbolic and looks like a cool font and therefore would intrigue the audience. We were still thinking of the idea of time travelling and so Chris began researching alternative words and he came up with the idea of bolting time, however we realised that this doesn't make much sense. But, from this the idea of 'BOLT' came about and we liked this idea and so for the time being we think that our album is going to be called BOLT in Thai.

The next stage is coming up with a name for the band which will tie in nicely with the star image that we have created and will also fit the genre of music well. We are still trying to come up with an appropriate name and this will be put on the front cover of the album as well as the spine.

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