Friday 11 November 2016

Starting the editing process

Now that we have finished filming our music video the next stage of the process is the post-production stage which means editing. The editing process involves syncing up all of the shots that you want to use so that they are in sync with the timings on the track and after this you can begin cutting the desired shots together and placing them on the timeline. After we have done this we can then begin to play around with colour correcting and adding any effects onto the edit. 

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The editing process is crucial for a music video as it can make or break the final product. It is important to think about cutting to the beat of the track as well as making sure that you alternate between the different elements of the video. 

Image result for gifs of music

The intended out come of this process is to become more comfortable wit the editing software and technology and to improve my knowledge and understanding of the editing process as well as editing our music video in order to form part of the pop promo campaign. 

There were some expectations set up about editing before we stared to edit and these involved remembering that the edit suite is a busy learning area and at all times i need to respect the environment and people around me. I was also reminded of how you have to mean every click when you edit as each click can affect the final product and activates a new tool. I was also reminded of the expectations of playing a role within the editing process of my music video as well as respecting the other members of my group and the equipment and making sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to edit the music video.


Although I am slightly apprehensive to begin editing the music video as I don't feel very comfortable with the technology I know that I need to get involved and start getting used to the technology and the software and the other members of my group will guide me and help me. I also know that Evelyn and Chris are not only passionate about editing the music video but I also know that they have strong skills in this area and so it may be a good idea if they take charge of the editing to begin with and I can be there to give my opinion and suggestions for which shots to use as well as learn some editing skills from them along the way so that I can have a turn later on in the editing process.

The technology that we will be using to edit our music video will involve the use of an Apple computer, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects as well as sound editing software eg. Garage band, Sound cloud etc. These technologies will allow us to use tools such as the razor blade and cutting tool, crop shots, colour grade and also timeline our shots and put them together. These technologies are very advanced and there is a lot to get your head around when using these technologies and so I need to allow myself some time to become more comfortable with the technology so that I can progress with the editing process.

Image result for gifs of computers

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