Wednesday 23 November 2016

Experimenting with a black and white edit

Due to the fact that much earlier in the year when we were coming up with our initial concepts for our music videos we had discussed using black and white for the 1920's element. We decided to try it out to see how it looks with our final edit.

This means that by doing this we can save time during our sessions in the edit suite. However, when we tried it out we were unsure whether we liked the outcome and whether it looked odd when the colour comes in as we didn't want it to look out of place as well as the fact that we wanted the 1920's and futuristic elements to work well together and not look too juxtaposed against each other. 

I think that the black and white effect will help us to create and reinforce the era that we are trying to depict int he 20's section, but we are unsure as to whether the mad scientist sections should be in colour too. Therefore we are unsure as to whether alternating between gray-scale and vibrant colour is the best idea. 

We asked for feedback from other people who were in the edit suite at the same time and someone suggested that we could add a splash of colour during the black and white so that it doesn't look entirely gray scale, using the "Leave Colour" tool. I thought that this might be an interesting effect to experiment with and it might help us to ensure that the switch from back and white to colour isn't too much and doesn't look out of place. 

Here is a tutorial I found on YouTube about how to achieve this in Premiere Pro:

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