Monday 21 November 2016

Editing 13

Chris and I have been sketching out our initial idea for the CD digipak and website whilst Evelyn has been carrying on with the editing of our music video. 

During out lesson she went up to the edit suite to continue fine-tuning our music video. Evelyn has told us that the initial cut is essentially finished, however we have discussed previously that we would like to add more shots and this in turn would make the existing shots shorter, and therefore in my opinion make the entire music video more exciting for an audience. Unfortunately, this is a very tedious process and Evelyn as had to be very particular about where she adds in the extra shots, and whether or not they are appropriate and work well with the rest of the video. 

She added different coloured markers to indicate where she found it difficult to add in a variety of different shots and this worked as a tool for all of us to be able to see the areas that need some discussion before a decision is made. 

This has  also allowed her to indicate where the most important video changes should be placed. Evelyn has come up with a colour code to the marker system to help Chris and I understand the decisions that she has made during this process. The red markers indicate that this is a very important part of the video which must be replaced, the orange is quite important, and the green is a very simple replacement where we just need to add in a close-up or mid-shot of an instrumentalist. This has also helped Evelyn to get the job done in a more efficient style as she is able to see the changes that she needs to make a lot more quickly and easily. 

We are nearly finished with the video although there are still a few ore tweaks and changes to be made in order to make it as good as it can possibly be. We would like to get Matt and Luke's input a it draws closer to the due date. 

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