Thursday 3 November 2016

Finalising Lighting Designs

We have been trying to finalise out lighting decisions for our shoot day. We would like the lighting in our 1920's element to juxtapose the lighting in the futuristic element in order to create contrast an variation within our video. 

I would like the lighting in the 1920's jazz club to quite atmospheric, dark, mysterious and for the light to be mainly focused on the dancers and the musicians and for the rest of the club to be dimly lit. I think that the lights that we have to go on the tables in the jazz club will work nicely and will create the atmosphere that I would like them too. I also feel like they will tie in nicely with the period hat we are trying to replicate.


The lighting in the futurusitic element will very contemporary and funky and will involve a lot of flahsing lights and colour. I would really like the lights in this element to reflect the futurusitic style and to compliment the dancers and the upbeat vibe. I think that it would be really good if we could use some big spotlights and very bright lights in the element to contrast with the darkness of the previous elelemtn and also to makethe scene seem funky and modern.


 The lighting the shipping container is going to be the most difficult because the ceiling is very uneven and so it is going to difficult to rig the lights. however, the lighting design has suggested he use of lighting tubes which could look quite funky. We are also going to be using a smoke machine in this element and so this will compliment the use of the lighting tubes. We are also going to have a desk lamp for the mad scientist and so this will also provide some light.


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