Wednesday 30 November 2016

Sketching Ideas for the Website

We have started to sketch out some ideas for the website for our artist. From my research, I know that the purpose of a website is to promote the artist/band and therefore it works as a platform for publicity and promotion. Therefore, it is important that the band is represented well in the website and their star image is clearly portrayed.

We are still trying to come up with a band name for the campaign and so we have been coming up with ideas for this, but we are still trying to come up with a final one that we can all agree on.

When sketching out our ideas for our website we first considered using imagery that was used within the music video, however we realised that this would be too similar to the music video and wouldn't represent the band well as it is too much like the mad scientist character from the music video.

We then decided that we could use the imagery of the robot from the album artwork that we have come up with and change it slightly so that the robot is lying down underneath the band name at the top of the website homepage in a cheeky way. This would link the album artwork and the website and it would also reflect the cheeky and lighthearted nature of the band.

We are still in the process of sketching and designing our website. I feel like we need to discuss this as a group before we start to make a first draft in Wix.

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